I Hope This Isn’t Goodbye


Today I understand the searing pain of loss. The finality of your absence has all but crushed my soul. To know that I will never again feel the touch of your soft fur, or hear your sweet small voice has stripped away a part of me that I did not know could be taken.

Although we met shortly after my 18th birthday, I can’t help but to feel that we grew up together. Days turned to months, months turned to years of us navigating the ups and downs of life as a team. The concept of carrying on with out you is so foreign despite its inevitability. 

I read that a dog’s only flaw is the limited number of years they can spend with us, but I think that dogs have a second flaw. Their love is so unconditionally pure that it sets a standard that is impossible to meet.

We didn’t speak the same language, but I don’t think there was anyone in the world who understood me the way you did… and love me regardless. The days I was too sad to get out of my bed, you were right there with me, reminding me that I was not alone. 

I can say with the utmost conviction that I would not be the brother, son, friend, or husband that I am without your influence in my life. All of the good I have left to do in this world will have your paw prints on them as evidence of the immense significance of your presence in my life - guiding me to love unconditionally, revere loyalty, and live fiercely. Your energy will live on, multiplying exponentially through every life you touched while you walked amongst us mortals.

Thank you for 14 incredible years. I wish there could have been more, but I understand why you had to go. I will miss you every day.

Good night sweet girl.

All my love,



Georgia On My Mind